Services Neu
what we offer


To make your visit to our trade fairs as pleasant as possible, we offer you a range of services. We hope that you feel comfortable and have a great trade fair weekend in Düsseldorf!

Be Connected!


The Fashion Net Düsseldorf – shuttle service connects FASHN ROOMS with the Düsseldorf showrooms (shuttle point Karl-Arnold-Platz), Medienhafen, Hall 29/30, the main railway station, the airport and our partner hotels.

Duesseldorf, DEU, 28.07.2024Igedo FAHSN ROOMS 2024, Areal BöhlerFoto: Bernd Lauter/


Enjoy your stay in Düsseldorf during FASHN ROOMS in our nearby partner hotels at special rates. Information on special conditions:
Ingrid Kahlfuss
+49 211 4396 302 or mail to:

Welcome to the Rheinland


Fashion, art & ‘rheinische’ hospitality – in addition to fashion, Düsseldorf also stands for art & architecture as well as a wide variety of gastronomic concepts. In the middle of the 20th century, Düsseldorf developed into a fashion metropolis and is still an international economic center in the heart of Europe with a wide variety of industries.

For more hotels, travel options and information about Düsseldorf, please contact our partner:


We guarantee you a very special appearance on our FASHN ROOMS website. For further details please feel free to contact Mrs Christina Grell:
